General Laboratory Safety for Non-Laboratory Personnel

Hazard awareness, communication, and safe practices for non-lab personnel working in and around laboratory facilities.

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About this Course

This course describes the hazards typically present in laboratory facilities and provides best practices for working safely in and around these facilities. The course is intended for contractors, facilities personnel, housekeeping staff, and other support personnel whose work requires they enter laboratory facilities but who themselves are not lab personnel.

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Contractors, Facilities Personnel, Housekeeping Staff, Physical Plant Personnel

Organizational Subscription Price: $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Hazard Awareness

Are laboratory and research facilities dangerous? The answer is yes and no. Many hazards present in these facilities can be dangerous, and injuries can happen when individuals are complacent. However, non-lab personnel can safely work in these spaces if they have the proper training and follow the proper procedures. Facilities have regular inspections and follow rigorous safety procedures to prevent dangerous conditions. Therefore, non-lab personnel should consult with the laboratory and research facility personnel if they are unsure about the facility’s hazards or entry requirements. In this module, learners will explore the types of hazards present in laboratory and research facilities as well as the hazard labeling and signage they might commonly see in a lab setting.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20621 (English), 20740 (Spanish)
Author(s): Brandy Nelson, MS, SM(NRCM), CBSP, ASP - University of Kentucky

Safe Work Practices

Safe work in a laboratory or research facility includes adherence to certain requirements and best practices, including following entry requirements, wearing proper attire and personal protective equipment (PPE), and not engaging in prohibited activities. This module presents laboratory and research facility entry requirements, including basic safe work practices, proper attire, and PPE. Learners will also review best practices for handwashing and hand hygiene.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20622 (English), 20741 (Spanish)
Author(s): Brandy Nelson, MS, SM(NRCM), CBSP, ASP - University of Kentucky

Emergency Situations

Emergencies can occur at any time in a laboratory or research facility. Therefore, it is important for non-lab personnel to be familiar with the areas in which they will be working, including the specific emergency response procedures and emergency equipment. In this module, learners will review basic emergency procedures in laboratory and research facilities. The module also discusses the use of emergency safety equipment, including eyewashes and safety showers.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20623 (English), 20742 (Spanish)
Author(s): Brandy Nelson, MS, SM(NRCM), CBSP, ASP - University of Kentucky


Who should take the General Laboratory Safety for Non-Laboratory Personnel course?

The suggested audiences are individuals who may be required to enter laboratory facilities but who themselves are not lab personnel, including contractors, facilities personnel, and housekeeping staff.

How long does it take to complete the General Laboratory Safety for Non-Laboratory Personnel course?

This course consists of three modules. Each module contains detailed content and a quiz as well as images. Modules vary in length, and learners may require different amounts of time to complete them based on their familiarity and knowledge of the topic. However, the entire course should take about thirty minutes to complete.

Why should an organization subscribe to this course?

Organizational subscriptions provide access to the organization's affiliated members. This allows organizations to meet the safety training needs of their learners who may enter laboratory spaces but not be lab personnel themselves.

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